Here’s Why You Should Take a Home Inventory

    Imagine the unthinkable happens. A fire, a flood, or a burglary. Your home and belongings are damaged or gone. Would you be able to recall every item you lost so you can start over? Your answer is probably in the negative. This is the importance of a home inventory. A home inventory is a detailed list of everything you own. You can think of it as a record of your personal property; from furniture and appliances to clothing and jewelry. 

    Creating a home inventory may seem exhausting but we are here to provide you with the best techniques that will make it a manageable and rewarding process for you. It is important to note that a public adjuster can effectively curate one for you. Keep reading to find out why you need a home inventory and how to curate one.

    Why Should You Create a Home Inventory?

    A home inventory is more than just a list. It is a comprehensive record of your personal property. This record serves multiple purposes ranging from insurance claims to estate planning, and disaster preparedness. 

    Firstly, a home inventory is crucial for home insurance claims because most insurance companies require some form of documentation of whatever personal property you are claiming. A detailed home inventory can also expedite the claims process after a loss. It provides proof of ownership and the value of your belongings. This ensures you receive the full compensation you’re entitled to. It also makes the claim process smoother and faster as you spend less time trying to prove the extent and worth of the damage.

    Secondly, a home inventory aids in estate planning. It provides a clear record of your assets, simplifying the process of dividing your estate. It is easier to distribute your possessions according to your wishes when you are aware of what you own and how much it costs.

    Thirdly, a home inventory is a key component of disaster preparedness. It helps you assess your property’s vulnerability and take necessary precautions. For example, personal property of a high monetary value such as expensive jewelry or antiques may be excluded from your regular home insurance and require extra coverage. You may not realize the need for that extra coverage until you take stock of your personal property.

    In addition to these practical benefits, a home inventory also offers emotional and financial peace of mind. Knowing what you own and its worth can relieve stress and uncertainty in times of loss or damage. It can also help you make informed decisions about insurance coverage and financial planning.

    The stress of putting together a home inventory is always worth it as it is a valuable tool that can save you time, money, and stress in the long run.

    How To Create a Home Inventory

    Now that you know why you should have a home inventory, let us show you how to make one. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

    Decide on What You Are Including

    The first question you should ask yourself before you actively begin curating your list is: What do I want to add to my list? We would advise including any and everything that qualifies as personal property. Think of anything you own that you would hate to lose or see damaged. This should include furniture, appliances, clothing, artwork, collectibles, and even jewelry. Every personal item counts.

    Pick a Method

    You can either go room-by-room or category-by-category. The room-by-room method involves documenting each item in a room before moving on to the next. This method is relatively straightforward and ensures you don’t overlook any items.

    The category-by-category method involves documenting all items of a certain type, like all electronics or all furniture, regardless of their location. This method can be more efficient, especially if you have similar items in different rooms. However, it is easier to forget certain items this way.

    You know yourself better than anyone else does which means that you can decide what method works best for you and stick with it. At the end of the day, it is the method that helps you stay the most organized that matters.

    Document Each Item

    This step is where the bulk of the work begins. This involves writing a description, noting the purchase date and price, and taking photos or videos. Having a description helps you keep track of what the item is especially for collectibles and antiques. The purchase date and price will come in handy when filing insurance claims depending on whether your policy is for Actual Cash Value or Replacement Cost Value. Furthermore, photos and videos provide visual proof of your belongings and their condition which can help substantiate your claim.

    Use Digital Tools

    Technology exists to make our lives easier and more efficient. Implementing technology in your home inventory curation process can greatly simplify it for you. It also saves you time when compared to manually writing down each item. An example is Collectify; a home inventory app that allows you to document, categorize, and value your belongings. It also offers secure cloud storage for your inventory and integrates with other home management systems. You can also check out the NAIC Home Inventory App, Encircle, and Nest Egg.

    Update Regularly

    Contrary to what most people think, creating a home inventory is not a one-time task. It requires regular updates to remain accurate and useful. You should update it every time you make a new or significant purchase. Similarly, when you dispose of an item either by trashing it or giving it away, take it off your list.

    You should also remember to adjust the values of your belongings as they depreciate or appreciate over time. Doing this can help you get the appropriate settlement rather than a lowball offer which may not consider the true market value of your personal property.

    Store Safely

    In addition to regular updates, safe storage of your home inventory is crucial. Keep a digital copy in the cloud and a physical copy in a safe place. This ensures that you can access your inventory even if your computer or physical documents are damaged or lost. 

    Remember, a home inventory is only useful if it’s up-to-date and accessible when you need it. Therefore, you need to be diligent, not just about reviewing and updating it but also keeping it safe.

    How To Use Your Home Inventory for Insurance and Estate Planning

    A well-maintained home inventory is a powerful tool. It can simplify processes like filing insurance claims and planning your estate. In the unfortunate event of a disaster, theft, or loss, your home inventory is your best ally. It provides a detailed record of your belongings, making it easier to file an insurance claim. With a comprehensive home inventory, you can ensure you’re adequately compensated for your losses.

    A home inventory is also invaluable in estate planning. It provides a clear record of your assets, simplifying the process of distributing your estate. Moreover, it can help prevent disputes among heirs, ensuring a smoother transition during a difficult time.


    Beyond the tangible benefits, a home inventory offers peace of mind. Knowing you have a detailed record of your belongings can provide a sense of security and control. Don’t wait for a disaster to strike. Start your home inventory today and enjoy the benefits of being organized, prepared, and in control of your assets.

    Confused about how to start your insurance claim? Let On-Site Adjusting handle things on your behalf. We handle all your insurance processes from filing the claim to following up, and negotiating with your insurer to get you the best possible settlement. Contact us here today to get started.

    Mike Kwak